YFOA Fiber Laser
Available wavelengths: 1030-1064 nm (fixed)
Average power up to 2 W
Pulse energy up to 1 uJ
Small footprint
High long-term stability

1. General
The YFOA femtosecond fiber laser is designed for stable generation of an ultra-short laser pulse train. The device contains Yb-doped active fiber, pump diodes, polarization control and dispersion control elements, electronic power supply and control system.
The laser also has an SMA sync output for triggering external devices, as well as another SMA for pulsed mode status. The YFOA has proved its reliability as a seed oscillator for amplifier systems (such as the TETA system) as well as a stand-alone pulse generator.
There is also an amplified laser available, the ANTAUS with 1 uJ/1 MHz output (see reverse).
2. Specifications
3. Modifications
-D – dual (simultaneous) output of fs and broadband beams.
4. Applications
Seed oscillator
THz radiation generation
MPE microscopy
Optical coherence tomography
Supercontinuum generation
Semiconductor device testing
5. RFQ Hints
Just some quick hints before you send us an RFQ:
1.Customized enquiries are also welcome.